Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thesis: Tea Cake has changed her for the better and true love develops between the two of then.
1. SHe acts like a child
2. she wears the dress

tewwg 7-12 responce

Their Eyes Were Watching God
This scene takes place between pages 94 and 99. Here, Janie has her first real encounter with Tea Cake. Right after Joe’s death, Janie takes over the store. The scene takes place at the store when everyone else is attending the baseball game. It has been almost nine months since Joe’s death. Here, Janie meets Tea Cake and is drawn to him because of the way he makes her feel. Tea Cake teaches her something no one has ever allowed or asked her to do; he teaches her how to play checkers. This brings out the child in Janie, and she likes it because she was married when she was young and missed her childhood years. In her first marriage, she was treated like property and did not get to experience any fun or true happiness, so she is easily drawn to Tea Cake because he makes her feel young again. In this scene they flirt and bond as they play the game. Later it becomes clear that Tea Cake has changed her for the better and true love develops between the two of then.